Oil and gas marketers now have a cohesive set of solutions to improve company perception with integrated campaigns across social, web, display, email and all other communication channels. They can engage their audience with personalized and engaging messages to establish relationships with all internal and external stakeholders. Cross-channel marketing solutions offered by Widestreams can help streamline these efforts through automated and tailored messages to individual interests.
Oil and gas companies are expanding their use of digital technologies. However the industry is still suffering from negative public perception, which often results in increased regulatory enforcement. In addition, these perceptions hinder their ability to attract top talent. With increased demand, oil and gas companies have expanded into new environments such as deepwater areas and the Arctic. The equipment and technology used in the field requires a highly skilled workforce, where the demand for top talent is higher than the supply. As companies continue their journey into new geographies, they need to continue embracing community engagement activities and respond to concerns in real time to improve public perception.
Oil and gas companies are also surrounded by regulations on all fronts. With increased complexity and global operations, oil and gas companies not only need to comply with strict industry regulations such as technical, public, and environmental safety enforcements, but also with other country policies such as Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), which impacts all global and Canadian companies. Oracle Marketing Cloud for Oil and Gas gives companies advanced tools to:
• Enhance recruitment processes to find, attract, and retain talent.
• Execute powerful multichannel recruitment campaigns.
• Listen to and engage in social conversations.
• Address community concerns with real-time communications.
• Streamline ongoing internal communications across all stakeholders.
• Comply with CASL communications regulations.